Half a day, 1 or 2 days, canoe down the Ardèche with Aigue Vive

séparteur vague

All our formulas for canoeing in the Ardèche.

Are you looking for a peaceful and easy descent of the Ardèche?
Choose the 8 km canoe route which offers you a serene view of the Arc Bridge, or the popular 12 km descent with its water slides for more sensations!

For the more adventurous
The Ardèche Gorges Nature Reserve is a spectacular and ideal place for canoeing. Several routes allow you to discover it, either in one day or two days.

For a day, choose the 24 km descent which entirely crosses the Chames nature reserve in Sauze. This magnificent route does not pass under the Pont d’Arc, located further upstream between Vallon Pont d’Arc and Chames.
If you are looking for a canoe descent that includes the passage under the Pont d’Arc and the crossing of the nature reserve, choose the 32 km descent. This descent can be done in one day for sports enthusiasts, with around 6.5 hours of navigation starting under the Pont d'Arc and continuing through the nature reserve.

For an even more immersive experience, try the 32 km descent in two days with a night in bivouac. This unique adventure allows you to take your time, with around 3 hours of navigation per day, and to spend an exceptional night bivouac in the heart of the Ardèche gorges.

Explore all our canoe kayak descents in the Ardèche below. For more information you can also contact us.

icon pagaie Descente de l'Ardèche sur la journée icon pagaie

Mini Toboggans
à partir de 28 €
icon sablier 1h30 Niveau icon niveau icon parcours 5 KM

Whether you are with family or friends, this short descent of the Ardèche promises you great memories!
You will navigate on a very flat portion of the river, with no rapids to cross and no particular difficulties. This course will allow you to learn the canoe or kayak simply and easily by navigating on a stable body of water and without too much current. It is ideal for families, especially with young children!
For more fun, you will cross the famous slides (canoe passes). These developed and secured passages in the dikes allow you to overcome these obstacles without having to get off your boat. They add a little touch of thrill and fun to your adventure.
The 13km route also allows you to go through these slides: more info here!
In terms of organization, nothing could be simpler: we take you to your starting point by bus and you go down the river at your own pace. You arrive directly at the pier of our rental base in Vallon Pont d'Arc!

Don't hesitate any longer and book your descent directly!

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Mini raft
à partir de 28 €
icon sablier 1h30 Niveau icon niveau icon parcours 8 KM

Envie d'une escapade rapide et facile mais innoubliable ? La Mini descente de l'Ardèche en canoë de 8km est faite pour vous!
Que vous soyez en famille, entre amis ou en solo, cette descente est adaptée à tous les niveaux y compris aux enfants.
Prenez votre temps pour profiter des plaisirs de la rivière : baignade, pique-nique au bord de l'eau, paysages maginifiques.
Comptez environ 1h30 de pagaie pour réaliser l'intégralité du parcours.
Cette descente malgré sa modeste distance vous fera passer par le Pont d'Arc.
Vous partez directement de notre base de location de canoë et vous prenez autant de temps que vous le souhaitez pour rejoindre votre point d'arrivée.

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Maxi mini: the discovery descent, swimming and relaxing
à partir de 37 €
icon sablier 2h30 Niveau icon niveau icon parcours 13 KM

Does the 8km seem too short to you? Try your hand at the 13km descent of the Ardèche!
This descent, perfectly suited to families with children, allows you to fully enjoy the river: swimming, picnicking, canoeing.
The easy route is punctuated by small rapids and, above all, the crossing of slides: the canoe passes. Moments of great fun and laughter guaranteed along the way! You will finish your journey in Châmes after having admired the famous Pont d'Arc.
The descent requires 2.5 hours of paddling, but you can keep the canoe as long as you want! Enough to benefit 200%!
For this descent of the Ardèche, you don't need to be an expert in canoeing.
Just the pleasure of being on the river and enjoying every moment.

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à partir de 40 €
icon sablier 4h30 Niveau icon niveau icon parcours 24 KM

Go on an adventure with our descent of the Ardèche by canoe on a 24 km route, starting from Vallon Pont d’Arc.
Explore the Ardèche gorges on a full day of escape and discovery, an immersive experience of 24 km of descent through the breathtaking landscapes of the Ardèche gorges.
The Nature Reserve: navigate to the heart of the nature reserve, discover incredible biodiversity and unique sites.
Spectacular landscapes: admire the high limestone cliffs and mysterious caves.
Don't miss the opportunity to live an exceptional canoeing experience in the Ardèche gorges.

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à partir de 40 €
icon sablier 6 à 7h Niveau icon niveau icon parcours 32 KM

Prepare yourself for an intense and sporty day with our canoe descent of the Gorges de l'Ardèche. Enjoy small rapids and calmer parts while discovering one of the most beautiful canyons in Europe and its nature reserve.
Departure from our canoe rental base in Vallon Pont d'Arc along the river. Descend the entire Gorges de l'Ardèche, over 32 km to the Sauze landing stage.
This canoe descent is ideal for sporty people who want to complete the entire descent by canoe over the day, an average of 6 hours of paddling over the day.
Test your limits and try to beat the record of 1h28 over this distance!

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icon pagaie Descente de l'Ardèche sur 2 jours icon pagaie

2 DAYS 8+24km
à partir de 63 €
icon sablier 6 à 7h Niveau icon niveau icon parcours 8 + 24 KM

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2 DAYS 13+24km
à partir de 75 €
icon sablier 6 à 7h Niveau icon niveau icon parcours 13 + 24 KM

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icon pagaie Descente de l'Ardèche en canoë bivouac icon pagaie

à partir de 65 €
icon sablier 6 à 7h Niveau icon niveau icon parcours 32 KM

Go completely independently for a 2-day adventure in the Gorges de l'Ardèche!
Discover an unforgettable adventure in the Gorges de l'Ardèche with our two-day canoe descent with bivouac in the heart of the nature reserve.
Immerse yourself in an exceptional natural setting, where each paddle stroke brings you a little closer to breathtaking landscapes.
After a first day of descending the river, you will stop at one of the 2 bivouac areas that you will have previously reserved with the tourist office. After a good night under the stars, you will leave to finish your journey and we will pick you up in Sauze to take you back to Vallon Pont d'Arc.


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à partir de 65 €
icon sablier 6 à 7h Niveau icon niveau icon parcours 32 KM

Discover the Descent of the Ardèche Gorges by Canoe over 2 days in bivouac with this all-inclusive formula!
Immerse yourself in the heart of an unforgettable experience with our two-day canoe descent in the Gorges de l'Ardèche. This exceptional course will immerse you in total immersion in one of the most beautiful canyons in Europe. After your night in bivouac, you will resume your route to finish at the bottom of the gorges in Sauze. From there, we will pick you up and take you back to your starting point in Vallon Pont d'Arc.
Let yourself be carried away by the Ardèche river and succumb to breathtaking landscapes, between majestic cliffs, lush vegetation and very varied fauna.


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icon pagaie Descente de l'Ardèche avec moniteur icon pagaie

à partir de 44 €
icon sablier 1h30 Niveau icon niveau icon parcours 8 KM

Une descente de l’Ardèche en canoë parfaite si vous avez des enfants de moins de 7 ans ! (enfants à partir de 5 ans)
Après une initiation au maniement de la pagaie, vous vous exercerez sur le plan d’eau de notre embarcadère à Vallon Pont d'Arc afin d’acquérir la technique… quelques informations supplémentaires et c’est parti !
Au fil de l’eau votre guide pourra aussi vous sensibiliser de manière ludique sur les trésors que recèle cette nature merveilleuse et vous proposer une pause baignade sous le mythique Pont d’Arc…

Que vous soyez une famille avec des enfants, des nageurs peu téméraires ou tout simplement si vous êtes curieux et désireux de découvrir l’activité canoë dans un contexte privilégié, n’hésitez pas !

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