Descent of the Ardèche with an instructor

séparteur vague

Your trip down the Ardèche River in a canoe can be even more interesting with an instructor!

Your canoe instructor is a sports professional, holding a French State Instructor Diploma. He or she will make your trip more interesting, and more safe and secure.

Furthermore, for obvious reasons of security, the presence of an instructor is mandatory if you are with children under the age of 7 years old, if you are a group of school children, or a group of children on holiday.

In all other cases an instructor will allow you to:

  • Learn how to perfectly control your canoe by learning the good and correct techniques.
  • Discover the local flora and fauna and all the richness of the Gorges of the Ardèche River. You will explore ancient charcoal making sites, ‘dolmens’… megalithic tombs with a large flat stone laid on upright ones... and vestiges of the Knights Templar...
  • You will navigate down the river relying on a professional who knows the territory perfectly.

Do you want to discover the secrets of the Gorges of the Ardèche River?
Will you need support for young children?
Are you a beginner?
Do you want to improve your canoeing performance?
Simply ask for what you want!

All the trips we propose can also be undertaken with a monitor: simply add this option when you make your booking.

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